Is Powder Ridge Capital a registered investment advisor (RIA)?
Yes. Powder Ridge Capital LP is a registered investment advisor (RIA) based in New York.
Can I rollover a 401(k) or 403(b) from a prior employer?
Yes. The process is simple. You open a traditional IRA account and provide Powder Ridge Capital a copy of your most recent statement. PRC will then transfer the assets seamlessly, tax-free. This will not be considered a taxable distribution by the IRS.
I own a small or medium size business (SMB). Can you manage our 401k?
Yes. Powder Ridge Capital can manage your 401k and allow your employees to own individual stocks rather than be limited to investing in mutual funds.
I have several investment accounts at another broker. Is it easy to transfer my account(s) to Powder Ridge Capital?
Yes. Powder Ridge Capital can transfer your assets over electronically from any other broker, even without you contacting them. Simply provide PRC a copy of your most recent statement. The process will take approximately 3 business days.
I have several investment accounts at many different brokers and insurance companies. Can you help me consolidate and transfer all these accounts to one place?
Yes. Powder Ridge Capital can work together with you to transfer all your accounts so you can have them all in one place.
I am not happy with my current financial advisor. What do you do differently than most financial advisors?
Powder Ridge Capital will take the time to learn about your current financial situation, your goals and dreams. The firm will then construct a customized personal portfolio for you and actively manage and monitor it. The stocks within the portfolio are hand-picked for their potential to outperform the broader market. Powder Ridge Capital has the flexibility to raise the cash portion of your portfolio in times of market turbulence and other times that it deems fit, particularly if PRC foresees that a bear market is on the horizon. It can be 100% in cash if market conditions warrant. The Chief Investment Officer will actively manage and monitor your portfolio daily. All of this is markedly different than what most other financial advisors do.
I have historically invested in mutual funds, but my balances are not growing at a rate that I am happy with. Can you help me?
Yes. You’re not alone. Powder Ridge Capital opens many new accounts for clients that are frustrated with the performance of their mutual funds, particularly the mutual funds’ performance in bear markets.
My investment portfolio is currently invested in mutual funds. It seems to only go up when the market goes up and goes down when the market goes down. Why is this?
Most mutual funds’ performance ends up tracking the broader market. If the stock market is up 5%, your portfolio of mutual funds ends up being up close to 5%. If the stock market is down 4%, your portfolio of mutual funds ends up being down close to 4%. Your investment portfolio is just blowing in the wind with the broader market. Get in touch and Powder Ridge Capital can construct a portfolio for you that seeks to outperform in both bull and bear markets. Your portfolio will be actively managed and monitored.
I am a do-it-yourselfer (DIY), but I do not have the time to choose the right stocks. Can you help me?
Yes. That is what Powder Ridge Capital does. PRC will construct a customized portfolio for you, and actively manage and monitor it.
I have cash just sitting in an account that I need an expert to advise me on how to invest. Can you help me?
Yes. Together, we can discuss your individual financial situation and goals. Powder Ridge Capital will then construct a customized portfolio for you, and actively manage and monitor it.
I have just inherited some family money. Can you help me invest it?
Yes. Together, we can discuss your individual financial situation and goals. Powder Ridge Capital will then construct a customized portfolio for you, and actively manage and monitor it.
The statements from my current broker are hard to understand. Can you help me?
Yes. Powder Ridge Capital’s clients can access their account balances and statements at Interactive Brokers. The website ( is user-friendly and clients’ statements are simple, easy to read, and easy to understand.
How does Powder Ridge Capital attempt to outperform the market?
Powder Ridge Capital seeks to outperform the market through a combination of superior stock picking and risk management.
Are the market beating returns coming from investments in penny stocks?
No. Powder Ridge Capital has not purchased any penny stocks.
Do you receive compensation for selling any financial products to clients?
No. Powder Ridge Capital is completely independent and does not receive any compensation in any form whatsoever from anyone except the client. The firm is a fiduciary whose incentives are completely aligned with the client.
Who serves as Powder Ridge Capital’s custodian?
Interactive Brokers LLC serves as Powder Ridge Capital’s independent third-party custodian. Interactive Brokers is consistently rated as a top online broker. In 2021, it was rated #1 Best Online Broker by Barron’s. Clients open an account(s) at Interactive Brokers with Powder Ridge Capital linked as their investment advisor.
What markets does Powder Ridge Capital focus on?
Powder Ridge Capital focuses on investments in the U.S. equity markets. The Chief Investment Officer has been investing in the U.S. equity markets for the past 24 years and the U.S. equity markets are his expertise.
Do you purchase ETFs?
Portfolios are comprised primarily of stocks. From time to time, Powder Ridge Capital may purchase ETFs if it is appropriate for the client.
Do you purchase Mutual Funds?
No. All client assets are managed in-house.